She’s going to quickly put you into one of these 4 categories

She’s going to quickly put you into one of these 4 categories…


Look, this is important. I’m not sure if anyone’s ever told you this, but when you meet her for the first time, subconsciously, she’s going to quickly put you into one of these 4 categories:

1. Long-term relationship material

2. Short-term “affair” material

3. Friend material

4. Wuss material

The reality is this: You have a few minutes, at best, to get yourself into the first 2 categories.

Categories #3 and #4 are full of men who don’t know how to pass her minefield of tests she throws at them (and sadly, often times these guys don’t even realize what those tests actually are).

What do those guys do?

They tend to act like SUPREME WUSSES, press the “nuclear” button, often leaving her in tears, running to another man’s arms…

Look… sometimes it’s called for.

But most times?

It’s wayyy overkill.

Thats why you end up being “friend zoned”

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