Women feel attraction based on how you make them feel

Okay, I lied…

You don’t even need a face…

Just a pulse and a voice and a life full of beautiful, amazing women who care about you is in reach…


Men are visual…

We are attracted to women the instant we see those bodacious curves and long wavy hair…

We’re attracted to the subtle lines, and dimples on her lower back…

But women…



Women feel attraction based on how you make them feel.

That is done primarily… you guessed it… through words,

That means you can suck at just about everything else but if you know what to say her brain will go haywire and pull a shallow hall on you…(it’s a movie reference and if you haven’t seen it…see it.)

Pretty much she will see you not as you are, but as she wants to believe you are…which means….sexy as hell!

Sounds ridiculous right? I thought the same thing too for a long looooooong time.

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