
How to Make Her Say YES To Almost Anything!

What makes a woman say “yes” to sleeping with a guy?

I’ll give you a hint…

If she thinks you’re too “easy,” she’ll never sleep with you.

In fact, the science is clear…

In order to turn a woman on and make her horny for you, you must be a challenge.

And if you want her to fall HARD for you… in a way that she’s never felt for any man before…

Then you actually have to make her CHASE you.

So how do you make that happen?

Here’s a sneaky-but-ethical way to make a woman start to chase you:

Make her do little favors for you.

This is called “Compliance.”

For example, let’s say you’re talking to a girl at a bar.

Ask her to do you a favor and hold your drink for a second.

If you need a reason why, tell her you have to tie your shoe, or look up a picture in your phone, or say hi to a friend real quick.

When she does you a favor, she’ll start to feel like she already likes you…

Even if you just met and have only been talking for 30 seconds.

The more you use this easy little technique, the more that feeling grows inside of her.

Until “I think I might like this guy” turns into… “I need this guy inside of me right fvcking now.”

All you have to do is keep keep getting her to do innocent little favors for you…

Like follow you to another part of the bar…

Or get you another drink…

Or put a song on the jukebox for you…

Or wait for you while you call an uber back to your place…

Just keep asking for slightly bigger favors…

Once she says yes to something small, she’ll keep saying yes to bigger and bigger things…

It’s a slippery-slope process from holding your drink… to hopping in a cab and going home with you.

Like a tiny little snowball that turns into an AVALANCHE.

And this innocent little technique is what “triggered” it.

Try it the next time you’re out and let me know what happens.

And, of course, if you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

Click here to learn how to ‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

P.S. The key to making this work is to keep your favors small and innocent, so she really can’t say “no” to you…

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