
What Does it Really Mean to be “Confident”?

Yeah, I know, it’s a word that makes some guys recoil in fear.

“I don’t have that” they think. And they think they never will.

But chill out a sec. It’s not as impossible as you’d think…

When women are asked to describe qualities they want in men, confidence is always near the top of the list. In fact, it’s probably at the top.

But what does it really mean to be “confident”?

Confidence comes down to having the belief that you will be able to handle ANYTHING that comes your way.

No matter what happens, you’ll deal with it.

Confidence is important to women because it helps them to feel SAFE.

If a woman is with a guy who communicates that he can handle anything life can throw at him, she doesn’t have to worry about it.

This allows a woman to relax and take a more feminine role in the interaction.

Confidence begins with positive self-talk.

Confident people don’t beat themselves up when they make mistakes, or focus on past failures.

Instead they keep their thoughts positive and productive.

If a girl isn’t interested in you when you approach her, there’s no point in being upset, instead focus on how you’ve now freed up your time to meet a girl who will like you.

ALWAYS remember to ask yourself ” What is good about this situation?”, “What can I learn from this?”, and ” What is the most fun thing I can do right now?”.

Confident people aren’t afraid to get rejected.

You have to demonstrate to women that whether or not they like you has no bearing on your confidence.

You have to recognize that rejection is a part of the game.

The best guys I’ve ever met with women get rejected. A LOT.

You will never be able to completely eliminate the numbers game element of approaching strangers. The more you get rejected, the more you will get laid.

Simple as that.

Confidence is one of the KEY elements that turns would-be FLAKES into dates. Here are the others…

Confident people have confident body language.

There is a distinct link between physiology and emotional states.

Imagine a depressed person. What does their body language look like?

If you’re like most people you probably imagined a guy or girl with slumped shoulders, a distressed, nervous look on their face and even shallow breathing.

Now imagine a person who is confident. What do you see?

Again most people imagine someone with good posture, a beaming smile, slow deliberate movements, good eye contact etc…

Here’s three things you can do right away to make your body language more confident.

1. Smile. The more people will perceive you as confident.

2. Stand up straight. Imagine there is an imaginary string pulling your chest up toward the sky. Keep your shoulders back and your stomach in.

3. Move slowly. The slower and more deliberate you make your movements the more confidently you will come across.

Confident people are not afraid to share things about themselves.

P.S. Confidence also feeds off of results. The better your successes, the more memories you have to draw on.

Here’s how to maximise your results from the numbers game and start getting the successes you want.

Be The Fucking Man!

Every Guy Messes “THIS” Up with a Girl

That’s right, today you’re getting the basics of “Not Qualifying”

One of the simplest rules of socializing is that the person who qualifies themselves more has LOWER value.

This is aptly summed up by the statement:

“A rich man does not tell you he is rich.”

Yet, almost every guy I meet in the seduction community start off by telling me how much they get laid, how hooked up they are, or how much money they make.

Qualifying yourself to girls when you first meet them is a TERRIBLE idea because it shows her you are trying to impress her and think she is of higher value. Not a good place to game from.

Here’s a few ways to avoid qualifying yourself.

In the first 15 minutes of meeting people – Avoid bragging about possessions, places you’ve traveled, or people you’ve met.

ALERT: Register for my 4 Steps to Becoming a “Sexual Closer” FREE Masterclass

Avoid trying to make people see things your way or “understand” you. Even if you are “right”.

Avoid explaining yourself or your behavior as much as possible. When you have to explain yourself, keep it SIMPLE.

Bad Example:

Girl: Why do you want to kiss me?

Guy: Because I’m attracted to you and want to express it physically in an intimate manner.

Good Example:

Girl: Why do you want to kiss me?

Guy: Who knows? (Go in for the kiss)

Keep the cool things about you to yourself until the group has “accepted you.”

It’s not bragging if the girls ask you about it. Use unanswered questions in your conversations to bait the girls into asking you questions about the cool stuff in your life.

Ok, that should help you guys to avoid qualifying yourself.

Now you may be saying, “That list is great and all, but what about the details? How do I acquire all of those skills if I’m shy, awkward, and don’t have a lot of time to invest?”…

You’ll find the simple, straightforward answer to that here.

Be The Fucking Man!

Here’s How I Improved My “Voice”

Today we’re talking about Vocal Projection.

Y’know, Pavarotti style.

It has been said many times that your voice is your NUMBER ONE tool as a pick up artist.

But the number one problem guys have when they come on a bootcamp is not being loud enough.

We’re going to fix that today.

The power for your voice comes from your breath.

This is the number one thing to remember when it comes to vocal projection. You want to speak on the exhale.

With this in mind, it’s a good idea to take a deep breath before doing an approach.

Make sure that you’re speaking from your diaphragm not your throat. Your diaphragmatic muscles are located near where your ribs come together.

If you exhale all the breath out until your body forces you to breathe, your diaphragm will contract.

Here are some other tips:

1) In general, aim your voice one person beyond the person you want to hear you!

2) For night-game, speak as loudly as possible. You have to make it socially awkward for the girl(s) to ignore you.

=> Some guys LOSE their voice because of the anxiety of approaching Women.

3) Don’t be afraid to scream if the music is too loud in a bar or club. Your voice is a muscle, it will come back stronger every time you lose it.

4) Speak louder to ignore conversational threads you don’t want to take. (Practice this with anyone.)

5) Lower your vocal projection once you’ve isolated a girl away from her friends. This creates intimacy.

6) For day-time approaches, speak in a normal tone, as if you’re reading the news. This will help the girls not get startled.

7) Remember you can have the best game in the world, but it doesn’t matter if no one can hear it.

Hope that helps you guys get out there this weekend to approach and meet some new women.

P.S. The nerves of approaching can mess with your tonality and have you sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Here are some of the strategies I’ve used to avoid that issue.

Click here to learn …

Success comes down to the words you say!

Are You AFRAID to Let Girls Know You Like Them?

Guys are afraid to let women know they like them…

Now I understand that when most of us find the community we may have had some bad experiences with women.

Some of us may have been insulted by women, or rejected or both.

But I noticed very quickly that you CAN’T insult a woman into bed.

In fact once I learned about the idea of letting girls know what you like about them (“Qualification” in nerd speak) my entire game took off…

So in addition to reminding you that it’s ok to let girls know you like them EVEN as you’re meeting them, I want to give you some guidelines on how to let girls know you like them.

1. Don’t compliment her beauty without making her work for it.

Anytime you compliment a woman on her beauty, you want to make it conditional.

The classic community example being “You’re very pretty, BUT what else do you have going for you other than your looks?”

You can also acknowledge her looks in a matter of fact manner by saying something like “Obviously you’re very pretty, but beauty doesn’t get you any points with me. What I like about you is your sense of humor.”

The more you can acknowledge but not be affected by her beauty, the better.

2. Use releases when needed.

A release is a simple non-sequitur tease that you “add on” to a compliment if the compliment has made the women a little uncomfortable.

One of the key subtleties about releases is that you don’t ALWAYS need one.

In fact you ONLY need them if the compliment you have given a woman has made her uncomfortable. This is where you need to learn to read women’s faces or speak Womanese as I like to call it.

If a woman ever has a facial flinch or moves herself out of your intimate area as you compliment her, you probably needed a release.

3. Commit to the compliment.

A lot of guys have a big problem when it comes to complimenting women.

They want to be “cool” so they use words like cool, or good. Or my personal favorite “nice.”

That is the language of the dialtone.

Instead use some adjectives and creativity.

Also make sure that you have an idea of what makes her unique, whether it’s a funky fashion style she put a lot of time into or a unique thing she says to emphasize herself.

Every girl is full of awesome qualities, you just have to look for them.

Success comes down to the words you say.

Sexuality for a woman is entirely mental.

The entire key is her brain. You turn that key with the words out of your mouth.

Click here to learn more… about the Secrets Of The Masterful Lover

Bad Boy Versus Nice Guy. Who Wins?

Let’s have a hypothetical matchup here. The winner gets the grand prize of getting in between a Victoria’s Secret model’s legs…

Bad Boy versus Nice Guy. Who wins? The answer’s easy…


And I already told you that the bad boy doesn’t even have to try. Because he gets things done without lifting a finger, and that includes attracting women and getting laid.

Now if you want to win the girl EVERY time you’re going to have to become a bad boy. You can still be yourself, but you’ll have to add a few things to your arsenal.

What are those things? They’re not fancy clothes, muscles, tattoos, or even a sports car.

You’ll find the simple, straightforward answer to that here.

Click here to learn…

Here’s My Riff on “Approaching Groups” (by Jon Sinn)

Today we’re going to dive into the basics of approaching groups.

Most frequently you’ll be approaching groups in bars and clubs.

The most important thing when it comes to approaching groups is being “loud enough” to be heard by EVERYONE in the group.

If you aren’t able to instantly capture everyone in the group’s attention, you may already be in trouble.

The NEXT basic of approaching groups involves eye contact. You want to make sure to spread your eye contact throughout the group and not just give all of it to the girl you’re interested in…

This will just piss people off and show them that you’re only about one thing.

After you get your loudness and eye contact down you need to focus on reforming the group around you.

In the past this was called “locking in.” But locking in is just one of many ways to reform a group around yourself.

In fact many times you can bait a group into reforming using just body language. The overall idea of reforming a group is to make yourself the “center” of everyone’s attention.

If you can get relaxed by either leaning against something or sitting down so much the better.

Once the group is reformed around you, make an attempt to make one comment to “acknowledge” everyone in the group.

You don’t want to ignore anyone, remember she’s known her friends longer than you have and are way more important to her, no matter how good your game is.

After you isolate a girl, bring her back to her friends to “check in.” This is really important.

Before a girl leaves a club with you, she is going to talk to her friends, if just to tell them she’s leaving.

Also oftentimes the friends will come looking for you. So it’s better to go back and check in before they start to wonder.

When you check in, chat with the entire group for 5-10 minutes, then take the girl back into isolation.

Always find out how the group knows each other and how they got there.

In learning game you often hear not to ask questions. This is a BLATANT over exaggeration as some questions can gather vitally important logistical information.

The two most important questions being:

1) “How do you guys all know each other? or some other question to establish the relationship between the members of the group, even if they’re all girls.

2) “How did you get here?” This is important for logistics. If she drove there by herself, she can leave by herself… If she was driven by a friend it gets more complicated. If she’s the driver, you’re screwed.

Ok That’s the basics of handling groups, which can be one of the most important factors between going home alone and going home with that hottie.

Hope that helps.

Now you may be saying, “That list is great and all, but what about the details? How do I acquire all those skills if I’m shy, awkward, and don’t have a lot of time to invest?”…

You’ll find the simple, straightforward answer to that here.

Click here to learn how to ‘Attract Hotter Women’

P.S. Approaching groups is easier than it looks, but it requires some familiarity with approaching women in general.

Dealing with ‘Awkward Silences’ the RIGHT WAY

Ok, there’s a few things here:

1. When you’re in a relationship with a girl or hanging out with your friends it’s TOTALLY NORMAL to have silences.

In fact this might be something where even the idea of “dominate the frame” or “Do 90% of the talking” can make you more weird. I think I fell prey to this trap and to this do I probably talk too much, as do most PUAs.

Silence is normal when you’re with (girl)friends.

2. When you’re in a relationship the growth comes from sharing parts of yourself with another person.

3. When it comes to befriending guys, the best advice still comes from Captain Jack who said when in doubt talk about a few different subjects, girls, alcohol, making money, and sports.

That advice is tried and true. Then be willing to actually follow up on the phone with guys you’ve met and invite them out to activities.

This is actually a skill as you don’t want to seem like you’re asking him out on a date.

You could start out by trying to make friends with a cool guy, you see on a regular basis like a bartender or doorman.

That way you’ll be able to work on it over time.

Hope that helps.

Now you may be saying, “That list is great and all, but what about the details? How do I acquire all those skills if I’m shy, awkward, and don’t have a lot of time to invest?”…

You’ll find the simple, straightforward answer to that here.

Click here to learn how to ‘Attract Hotter Women’

My Favorite Way to “Approach” and “Open” Girls

For today, I’m going to break down the advantages and disadvantages of opening indirectly.

First what is an “indirect opener”?

An indirect opener is an opener that does NOT explicitly convey interest in meeting the girl or group of people you are talking with.

This could range from something as innocuous as asking for the time or directions, to some of your longer, more usual PUA routines.

What are the advantages of opening indirectly?

The biggest advantage of opening indirectly is that you don’t trigger people’s AUTOPILOT responses to being approached.

Some girls are simply not particularly open to meeting new guys, and if you approach them directly they may blow you off.

However, by opening indirectly you can buy yourself an extra few minutes of time to convey your personality and demonstrate value.

Another advantage of opening indirectly, is that indirect openers are generally more interesting than direct openers.

Most indirect openers have at least 30 seconds of built in conversation.

This can be GREAT for beginners who have not yet developed their conversational repertoire.

The last advantage to opening indirectly is that it allows you to control the contingencies.

When you go out and run the same indirect opener over and over, you’ll notice that the same topics come up over and over again.

After awhile it can even seem like you’re able to PREDICT what the girls are going to say.

This can help you focus on your body language, the group dynamic, your spacial relevance, etc…

So what are the disadvantages of opening indirectly?

The first disadvantage of opening indirectly is that you don’t build any attraction with your opener.

There are some exceptions but for the most part an indirect opener is “neutral.”

You still have to do a lot of work to build attraction.

The second disadvantage of opening indirectly, is that you have to transition into a normal conversation.

Because you opened with an indirect opener, once you’re done with the opener you have to get into a normal conversation.

Otherwise you risk stalling out or coming off as “incongruent” since you stopped to ask them a specific question and then stuck around.

Now let’s move on to the CATEGORIES of indirect openers:

“Opinion Openers”: Opinion openers are the easiest way to open.

They have a very specific structure.

Let’s take a look at the structure using the classic Jealous Girlfriend opener by Style.

You first use a HOOK Question: The hook question is designed to get their attention and hook them into a conversation.

I.e. “Would you guys ever date someone who was still friends with their ex-girlfriend?”

The girls answer This part is important because you need the illusion of a two way conversation even when the contingencies aren’t going to change.

Remember no matter what the girls say here, it doesn’t affect what you’re going to do next.

Tease their answer and the reason you’re asking: Teases are important with opinion openers because you’re trying to play the role of “fun social, high value guy.”

“Ok mental note do not date this girl, but the reason I’m asking is because my friend (give a friend’s name) didn’t come out tonight because his girlfriend found a box of pictures and letters from his ex-girlfriend and totally freaked out! She told him he has to stop talking to her and burn the box. Is that like a normal (this city) girl response?”

Move forward into a normal conversation. Just know that you SHOULD not have a 20 minute conversation about jealous girlfriends…

Alright the second category of indirect openers are OBSERVATIONAL openers.

An “observational opener” involves making an observation about the girl or group.

Here’s one of my favorites, this is called the “I point out the obvious” openers.

Sinn: ” You’re wearing a vest!

Girl: uhhh

Sinn: “I point out the obvious it’s kinda my thing, so who are you?”

It’s that simple.

The last category of indirect openers I want to address are “Humorous High Value Openers.” These are any openers that are so over the top that only a high value guy would have the balls to use them.

An examples of this is one of my favorite openers created by myself and The Don.

“The Child Support Opener.”

“Hey guys, I have a REALLY important question. I have three child support payments due this week and I can only afford to pay one of them. Cause I like to go to the track.

Here’s the thing though I don’t want to pay my ex wife cause she’s a cunt. And the second girl is the mother of the third so if I pay one I have to pay the other. Plus my bastard kids don’t appreciate shit.”

The downside of all of these openers is that they can result in blowouts if people don’t get the joke. These are an example of high risk/high reward openers, and are not generally recommended for beginners.

Ok guys, that’s going to wrap up opening indirectly.

If you have a weakness or if you are in any way disingenuine- she’ll know.

Now you may be saying, “That list is great and all, but what about the details? How do I acquire all those skills if I’m shy, awkward, and don’t have a lot of time to invest?”…

You’ll find the simple, straightforward answer to that here.

Click here to learn how to ‘Attract Hotter Women’

The #1 Way To Meet Super Hot Women

Want to know what it is?

Every guy asks me this same question… what is the secret to sleeping with super hot women?

It’s simple.

DATE them first.


There are several reasons for this…

The most common being… these types of girls almost NEVER have ‘one night stands’.

They know their self worth, have too much self-respect and want the emotional fulfilment of having a BOYFRIEND.

(Having a boyfriend also ties into their self-image as a, “hot girl”.)

Quit wasting your time trolling bars and clubs, chasing one night stands and get a girlfriend instead.

And believe me this approach WORKS and is so much better.

(It’s also the secret to having an endless stream of high quality women in your life.)

Now you may be saying, “That list is great and all, but what about the details? How do I meet my girlfriend if I’m shy, awkward, and don’t have a lot of time to invest?”…

You’ll find the simple, straightforward answer to that here.

Click here to learn how to meet your girlfriend

get a GF or die tryin’

How’s that for an intense subject line?

As you can see by my persistent emails…

I truly believe the number one reason men aren’t getting a great girlfriend of their choice is because they rationalize and procrastinate…

“I’ll get some help later…”

“I’ve got too much stuff going on right now…”

“Things are not that bad anyways…”

The other reason I’ve uncovered is because they don’t believe they can do it.

Some men have had no luck with women for so long and have tried so many different things…

They have simply given up.

Don’t let this be you.

Use the number 1 strategy for getting a girlfriend of your choice quickly and easily by going here now:

Click here to learn how to get a girlfriend

No more rationalizing or procrastinating… handle this right now while it’s fresh in your mind.