
#1 Thing ALL women HATE

There’s a SECRET you need to understand about women…

…But very few of them will actually tell you it..

My friend Cindy had to pick between two guys.

One of the guys had his life together…

Good job, nice house, well dressed, handsome.

Knew how to treat her well.

Brought her flowers.

Was respectful…

Wasn’t pushy…

Waited til the end of the date to KISS her.

The other guy was a little different…

They never talked about his job.

He was kinda rude..

Argued with her…

Came on a little STRONG…

She even had to shoot him down a few times..

He went in for the kiss about 10 MINUTES into the date…

By all accounts the first guy was the obvious choice.

I mean he treated her with respect and wasn’t forceful in any way..

But despite that…

She NEVER saw him again..

And she went home with the second guy.

He’s still banging her to this day.

Want to know why?

It’s all because of a SECRET very few women will tell you, but one that I’ll share with you now:

Women will forgive a guy for being too fast…

But they HATE a man who is too slow.

It doesn’t matter HOW MUCH you have going for you…

If you’re too slow…

You’re OUT of the game.

Discover Why Being “Too Slow” Will Kill Your Chances Nowadays…

This is one of the NEW RULES of dating that too few guys understand…

They think they can go on dates, chit chat, have a nice time, and that will be enough…


This MISTAKE is killing countless your chances with her!

Click here to learn more…

You’re playing by the old dating rules…

The “new rules” that tinder and hookup culture have made obsolete…

A girl doesn’t go on Tinder to meet a nice guy, who will talk and talk and MAYBE kiss her…

(Even if she says she does)

She goes on Tinder to meet a guy who’s going to MAKE A MOVE!

A guy who will kiss her in the corner of a bar, take her back to his place and tear her clothes off!

She knows that men who know how to do this are the ones that GET IT….

They’re the ones that UNDERSTAND how the new dating game is played…

(The way she WANTS them to play it!)

So when a guy is too slow… She knows he has NO IDEA what he’s doing..

And she HATES IT.

It’s a huge turn off.

Click here to learn more…

P.S. Being TOO FAST is something a woman will always forgive…

It might annoy her, but on some level, it’ll turn her on…

Being too slow, however, will ALWAYS turn her off.

5 Creepy Messaging Habits You Need To Stop.

We all have bad habits.
But some habits cost us dates, sexual escapades, and even potential girlfriends. And you may not even be aware of them. But that’s okay, the first step is being aware.

So let’s start, shall we

Over Texting:
Texting repeatedly usually doesn’t solve anything. As a matter of fact it pisses most girls off, and it displays neediness (the number one woman repellant). This one is pretty important, and it’s actually one of the first things I’ll be teaching in ‘Text That Girl’

Getting Sexual Too Early:
This is a big one…There’s a right way to get sexual with a girl. There needs to be a natural progression, and if you don’t do it right, you’ll just come off as a creep.

Not Asking Her Out:
The whole purpose of getting a phone number is to meet up with her. Some guys notice women’s replies get slower, and less enthusiastic over time…and it’s probably because these women want you to ask them out, and you missed that window.

Waiting Too Long To Send Her That First Text:
I have no idea who created this rule. Some people wait two days, some people a week. Stop it. When you wait that long she’s probably forgotten about you, and is talking to another guy. This will ESPECIALLY kill your chances on dating sites, and dating apps like Tinder, where timing is crucial

Sending The Same Thing As Everyone Else:
Ask any girl you’re friends with, and they will tell you almost every guy who has their number texts the same, exact, thing…If you want to capture her attention you must be unique. This applies to Tinder, online dating, texting, everything really.

All these mistakes make it impossible to get laid, or find a nice gal.

Seriously, if you’re doing any of these things stop immediately.

It’s time to pick up some good habits. Simple little shifts in your messaging life that will increase your number of dates exponentially. And you can learn it all in my Texting Masterpiece, Text That Girl.

From writing creative first messages that always get a fast reply or text message that’ll make her excited, and want to meet you. To picking up new habits that’ll make her want to message you more.

This program will introduce you to EVERYTHING I’ve kept hidden away to myself, and my close friends for the past decade. So join me now on a journey to texting greatness.

Click here to check it out >>>> Text That Girl<<<< More texting tips coming soon...

Here’s why “Hooking up” is a waste of time

Do you remember the best sex you’ve ever had?

Believe me, it wasn’t with that perfect 10 you saw in the club last week.

No way Jose.

The best sex you’ll ever have is with someone you are DATING.

And while this might sound strange, hear me out:

You see, there are many advantages to having a great girlfriend.

First of all, you don’t have to worry that the girl you’ve taken home is an STD

riddled sleeze bag.

(Or some bi-polar psycho who has a smokin’ hot figure, with a meth dealing biker

for a husband, but that’s a story for another day.)

Here’s something else you may not have realized:

With a hook up, the best case scenario is you sleep together a couple of times.

(And if you’re really lucky you can turn her into a “Friend with benefits”)

But this is what I’m trying to get through to you.

Pick up is a waste of time!

It’s an endless cycle, with no end in sight.

What’s more, now that PUA has gone mainstream most women know all about

this stuff.

Blowouts are getting faster and more vicious.

And pick up is pretty much dying.

(Incidentally this is also why more and more guys are seeing their success rates


On the other hand, getting a girlfriend is easy.

This is something EVERY guy can do.

And while it isn’t nearly as glamorous as becoming a “Pickup artist” it WORKS.

Bottom line?

Dating will give you the security and convenience that random hook-ups just


To help explain this better my buddy has written a new report called ‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’

And if you’re sick and tired of waking up alone after another night of rejection…

Go here now and read every word.



One of the biggest players I ever knew was actually… a woman!

And guess what?

She wouldn’t be caught dead looking for guys in bars and clubs.

No way.

She had a boyfriend.

And instead of, “Getting lucky” every now and again…

…this allowed her to always have a steady stream.

But don’t get me wrong.

She was never serious about these guys.

Oh no.

They served one purpose and one purpose only.

(Which was probably why she had a new one every couple of weeks)

But if you think about this, it makes sense…

I mean they say you should never “Buy the cow, when you can get the milk for


(So why go hunting, when you can farm instead?)

And I’ll also be the first to admit:

This new way just works better.

You see, women don’t want random hook-ups, they want BOYFRIENDS.

Which is the REAL reason why it’s so difficult to pick up women in the first


…and why so few men are consistently successful.

STOP trying to be a PUA and do this instead.

It’s the fastest shortcut to sleeping with gorgeous women.

If you need help with this, read this short guide called Your Perfect Girlfriend

The message of this guide is simple:

Women who want good sex get boyfriends.

And if you put out the, “Girlfriend vibe”…

You will effortlessly attract these women in no time at all.

And if you want to get in on the action…

Then go here now:

STOP trying to be a PUA and click here to get ‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’ ebook

…And get Your Perfect Girlfriend while it’s still on sale.


Are you sabotaging yourself? (1 question quiz inside)

If you are taking 5 steps forward and then

take 3 steps back…

Then I would say that you are.

How do you stop this?

>> Click Here To Learn How

An unconscious sabotage pattern is actually

very easy to stop.

It’s all about aligning yourself to link only pleasure

to getting a GF and pain to not getting one.

Very simple…

You’ll learn exact step by step instructions

>> By Clicking Here

So you make EFFORTLESS progress toward your

goal of getting a girlfriend of your choice…FAST.