
So, are men and women really equal?

Here is an email from a man in Sweden:


“My mother has always been a woman who commanded respect and insisted on being treated equally. (Note: She was a Daddy’s girl. That is a good thing.)

She and my father have always had a wonderful relationship.

They raised my sister to also command respect, which she most certainly does. (Note: She is also a Daddy’s girl.)

My parents raised me to treat people with respect. They taught me that I am accountable for my own actions. I have them to thank for a loving, functional, and healthy upbringing.

But to be totally pragmatic and realistic, for the sake of a successful and exciting sexual relationship between a man and a woman, there are certain everlasting truths that must be recognized.”


Yes, you are right, there ARE certain everlasting truths that must be recognized.

While men and women are most certainly equal in terms of deserving respect and consideration, they are not THE SAME.

Women are feminine. Men are masculine.

Women like being women and they like the contrast.

Men like being men and also like the contrast.

Part of being feminine, for most women, is to be sexually submissive.

Part of being masculine, for most men, is to lead sexually.

For the most part, women experience their sexuality in the context of the man leading.

Is that equal?

It is not exactly “equal,” it is instead “complimentary.” The important thing is that it is a consensual assumption of roles in the context of mutual respect.

Interestingly, that’s the situation in which most couples experience fulfilling sexual relationships.

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Be The Fucking Man


Can You Be A Player Past 30?

There are two things that happen when a guy thinks he’s too “old” to attract younger chicks:

1. He quits going after them altogether.

2. He becomes a sugar daddy.

Now quitters NEVER win, so #1 is a no-no. But #2 is even WORSE!

Do you seriously think it’s “manly” to pay a girl’s bills just to get some nookie? Hell NO.

She will NOT respect you and she’ll suck every penny out of your bank account! So throw that option out the window too.

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Next time you approach a gorgeous woman…

Here’s how it’s going to go down the next time you approach a gorgeous woman:

You look her dead in the eyes with blazing desire…

Walk up with balls of steel…

And confidently introduce yourself.

No more being frozen, worried about saying something stupid, or what others think of you.

And because you’ve REPLACED your nerves, fear, and anxiety with a killer instinct that makes sure you nail every step of the approach…

She stares at you in awe, then giggles and melts in front of you…

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The 3 Types of Attraction

When it comes to attraction, I break it down into 3 KEY types.

I was out with few of my friends recently and I was paying attention to how they interacted with women.

When it came to trying to attract them, these guys were all about impressing women with their “value”. And it got me thinking.

Showing a woman your value is great, but there’s much more powerful tools for attraction. Much more powerful.

So here are the 3 KEY types of attraction.

Here they are:

1) Value based:

Value based attraction is based on what “value you have” intrinsically or provide the girl. Are you rich? Are you famous? Are you good looking? Are you just inherently confident?

All of this stuff creates a picture in her mind of what kind a man you are as an “offer” to her.

This is why it’s so IMPORTANT to take care of yourself. The more you do that, the more value you have to women.

This is what my friends were trying to convey by trying to impress women. In reality, all of this is done non-verbally. By your looks, your style, and most of all your behavior. In particular your social dominance.

But that’s a whole other email.

2) Emotional:

Emotional attraction is a reflection of the attraction based on the emotional situation. It reflects feelings, but it’s transient. It’s based on how she feels at THAT moment.

So she might really “like you” one night, but the next day feel like crap and not be as interested.

However, if you share a genuine emotional attraction with a girl – it carries over multiple days, weeks, and even years.

If a girl feels an emotional connection with you, you’ll have a HUGE advantage over every single other guy out there.

3) Sexual attraction:

Sexual attraction is an unconscious and physical process that cannot be stopped. It supersedes the other two and is extremely powerful.

Like emotional attraction it is completely irrational – but if you want to have sex with women, you HAVE to hit sexual attraction.

However, by hitting sexual attraction too soon or too desperately you are going to get blown out for being sexually pushy and needy. There is NOTHING less attractive to a woman than neediness.

You have to learn how to balance being “sexually aggressive” (good) to sexual pushy (bad). A lot of this comes down to reading her body language. The rest comes from experience.

You gotta go and get rejected a lot. Get real world experience, and all of the above will make more sense.

A tip: Get yourself a sexual stereotype early on. By this I mean dress in a certain type of way that is extremely attractive to certain women (ideally the ones you’re into). This can be a biker, a rocker, a suit – whatever you want.

It’ll help a lot. Women will be far more responsive to you on all 3 levels.

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Getting her to feel what you want her to

You want to learn women inside and out?

Ask them questions and then really listen.

I mean really listen. Don’t just wait for your turn to speak.

Ask them, “What do you really want in a man?” They would describe, or at least try to describe, what they wanted to the best of their ability. Often, they don’t really know themselves; they just know what they wanted to feel.

The important thing is that they start to feel those feelings.

Then ask, “How would it make you feel to be with such a man?” They would describe that. In order to do so, they had to imagine feeling it. This causes them to actually begin to feel those feelings and imagine that they were really with that man.

Because they are talking to you and have rapport with you, those feelings get associated to you on a subconscious level. They do not realize this on a conscious level.
Be genuinely interested in what they think and make it a point to demonstrate that you are good listener. And they open up about what they would really like to have-in other words, what they fantasized about on an emotional and relationship basis.

When they are basking in a flood of good emotions and feelings, which are all connected to you, ramp that up.

After having established an emotional connection with them that allowed them to feel very close to you, leveraged that to move the conversation in a romantic direction.

Guiding a woman’s feelings and turning things sexual can really be that simple.

That simple.


Do Girls Send You Nude Selfies?

What’s your text game like?

Can you get her to respond every time?

Does she flirt?

Does she send you naked selfies?

Message a girl the right way and she’ll do all of this and more.

But what if you suck at stringing texts together that get these kind of results?

Simple. Get some word for word texts templates PROVEN to turn your phone into a MAGNET for dirty selfies.

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5 Facial Signals Females Make When Interested

Did you know you can make seduction so much easier by doing one simple thing?

You sure can. And that one thing is this:

Learning how to properly pick up women’s signals.

You see, women aren’t as blunt or direct as we are. They’re much more subtle and sneaky. And when they’re interested in a man, they emit subtle and sneaky signals to let him know.

Here are 5 signals that all originate from her face, besides the obvious eye contact. If you see them pointed in your direction, she’s giving you the green light to proceed:

1. Raised eyebrows – A sign that you’ve aroused her and triggered her attention.

2. Fast blinking – Whether it’s blinking fast or batting her eyelashes, she wants you to look at her eyes so you can reciprocate her interest.

3. Dilated pupils – Her way of showing 100% complete focus on her target.

4. Flared nostrils – Like dilated pupils, this is an involuntary response that signals excitement and arousal.

5. Lots of lip action – She wants you to pay attention to her mouth. To do so, she’ll lick her lips or bite them if she’s super-horny. As an aside, arousal causes lips to become dry. If you arouse her, she’ll need to lick them.

Now if you remember seeing a woman give off these signs yet you did nothing in response, you’re probably kicking yourself right now…

What’s an even easier way than picking up on signals?

Having women approach YOU. Because once you make that happen, all you have to do is accept their offers…

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The female body is mysterious! (down there)

Here’s the truth: men can be predictable in bed. We’ll kiss a woman for a little while, wait for her to take off her shirt, then suck on her breasts for less than a minute, and then go down to business – which means humping until we release our juices and that’s it.

Women don’t want (just) that. They get bored, especially if that is the case each and every night.

And sex for women is not just about penetration. It’s also about focusing on other erogenous zones on their body. How else are they to get wet?


The correct beliefs eliminate most of the work

Your beliefs will make or break you.

Sexuality is all mental.

Financial success is all mental.

Your health is really all mental.

The mind controls the body, and you control your mind.

By the way, I just gave you the secret formula to turn your sex life around (or turn anything in your life around).

If you want to change anything first change your beliefs about it.

When you have truly done that, your actions will change, and then the results you are getting will change.

The inner game that goes on inside of every man is what decides his fate.

I can teach a man everything I know, but if he just doesn’t BELIEVE himself to be worthy, his woman won’t respond to him.

Peter is clearly being held back by his beliefs:


“I have read a lot of materials about women. I don’t have a problem with sex, and I don’t have a problem with meeting women. It’s just all the stuff in between that gets me lost most of the time. It’s like a new discipline.

The funny thing is I have the discipline to run 10 miles a day and work out regularly with no problems. I’m disciplined with my finances as well. These things seem more difficult to do.

But I see guys attract women constantly and for them, it’s so easy, and not to judge, but it doesn’t seem hard to them.

I’m just not attracting the type of girl I really want.

Whenever I do get ones I really like, I always blow it.

You know, “got to get my hair done” or “let’s just be friends” before anything really jumps off.

I even had a super-hot girl over and couldn’t get a hard-on!!!

What’s up with that man?? That really messed me up.

My question is what would you suggest to speed up my learning curve. Would this be a confidence issue on my part?? I am a good looking, muscular, 6’2″ black guy.

I will not get passed over for someone 6 inches shorter and twice my weight anymore. There should be none of this.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to get this fixed!! I won’t live with this anymore! I’m ready to be the man!!! What do I need to do to speed up this learning process?”


Advice for Peter:

Read the beginning of this email about beliefs!

You said that you had a super-hot girl over but couldn’t get it up. Sex is controlled by the subconscious. Your subconscious sabotaged your sex with her.

That could be caused by you basing your self-worth on conquests, or that could be caused by you NOT BELIEVING that you deserve it.

You said that whenever you get ones you really like, you blow it.

And most importantly, you kept asking, “How do I speed up my learning curve?”.

…As if your entire mental state and the sum total of where you are currently at is merely an obstacle to be overcome.

…This is where our male thinking gets us into trouble.

You need to change your beliefs. That will change everything else FAST.

Learn to believe that you deserve good women.

You said you are not attracting the type of girl you really want. Do you know what kind of girl you really want?

Can you express it in positive terms such as “She must have ___ positive attribute, and she must have ___ positive attribute.”?

Do you know what the really important positive attributes are?

Your high-level logic mind thinks that you deserve a good woman, but your subconscious (what really matters) disagrees.

Here’s a hint:

Once you really dial in what the woman is like that you really want, reverse engineer and ask the question what kind of man would a woman like this need to be turned on and aroused?

Get out of your own head. Get in touch with her reality.

Then you’ll be getting much warmer.

Take responsibility for your own lot in life. And then take responsibility for changing that. Find your own sense of personal power and build upon it.

Learn to connect with a woman on an emotional level.

See women as the beautiful creatures that they are – deserving to receive incredible pleasure.

Stop thinking about what’s in it for you. Think about what’s in it for her.

Stop thinking about getting sex from her. Think about giving her really good sex.

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Be The Fucking Man


Do Girls Sleep With Guys They Hate?

What I’m about to say will be super controversial.

It might shock you… offend you… or cause you to question everything you believe about women.


It’s the truth. And you deserve to hear it.


It’s this: girls don’t ONLY have sex with guys they like or are attracted to.

I’ve had many discussions with women on this topic.

About 80% of them admitted they have sex with guys they don’t even like…

And in many cases they eagerly sleep with guys that they actually HATE.

It sounds crazy, right? I mean, why would they possibly do that?

It’s because some men know how to turn a woman on and make her so uncontrollably horny…

That she needs to have sex with him to satisfy that lust he created.

It’s raw and primal. And not something she consciously chooses.

So rather than judging a woman for her natural sexual impulses…

The only thing you should be concerned about is how you can tap into them yourself.

Because when you do, you won’t have to spend a lot of time trying to attract a woman or make her like you as a person…

You can just create intense feelings of lust and arousal in her, so she starts chasing you to satisfy her sexual craving.

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