
Knowing Laws of Texting = Hot Girls Fighting Over YOU

So you met a smokin’ hot girl a while back. Maybe it was at the bar… maybe in class… who knows? It doesn’t really matter.

What does matter is this:

When she gave you her number, you thought She’d respond to your texts right away, didn’t you?

And to be honest, you were hoping that she was so into you, that she’d not only respond, but actually beg to see you!

How’d that work out for you?

If you’re like most guys, you’re probably still trying to figure out what the hell you did wrong…

Because even though you’ve been blowing up her phone, she put you on “ignore” after the very first text!

Look, I get it. I’ve been there myself – more times than I’d like to admit!

I thought it was because the girls were “out of my league.”

I thought it was because they were stuck up.

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Do THIS To Get Her Number (works every time)

So you’re talking to a cute girl and thinking to yourself…

“I should probably get her number right now”

Don’t let that moment pass you by.

Do this:

While talking, get out your phone and pull up the “add new contact” screen.

Then hand her your phone and say nothing. She knows what to do.

The magic is all in what you did before.

You pull out your phone…

NO asking “can I please maybe kinda have your number…?”

Just calmly give her what to do. Be leading, and dominant, and confident.

So she can feel comfortable giving her number and seeing you again…

Because you’re clearly a cool dude who knows what he’s doing.

Think you can do that?

Right on.


Once you’ve got her number, you have to understand one thing.

If she gave you her number, chances are she’s giving it to other guys too.

And even if she really liked you when you first met, and she has EVERY intention of seeing you again…

Things change fast once you’re gone and all you’ve got is your words over text.

It’s true…

If she’s attractive, the odds are pretty good she has more than one guy texting her.

They’re on their frickin iPhones, texting some random guys just because they like the attention.

And that’s how it is with any girl that’s even remotely attractive.

So, look.

Don’t hate the game.

Accept the truth.

You have to assume that when you go to text a girl…

… you are competing for her attention with AT LEAST one or two other guys.

Maybe even more than that – it really depends on how hot she is.

And the hotter she is, the harder it is for you to compete.

So when you go to text her, don’t just say boring things like “hey” or “what’s up?”

And don’t go crazy trying to chase her down, either.

Play it cool, and keep flirting and having fun with her.

And once she’s responding well, don’t wait around forever… ask her out!

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The truth that terrifies men

If most men knew the true sexual nature of women, they would be terrified.

That’s right, terrified.

They have fantasies about all kinds of crazy shit. They fantasize about sex with strangers. They fantasize about multiple partners. They fantasize about men they know.

Women are just as horny as men, usually more so.

They just can’t express it for fear of being labeled a slut.

Her only hope is to find a man, a badass, a master Lover who can bring that sexual animal out of her, harness it, and give her a safe place to express it.

Only a real man can do that for her.

I would direct you back to the popularity of the “50 Shades” books that you hear me mention from time to time.

In the UK it was the best-selling book of all time. It sold more copies than Harry Potter – more than 20 million copies!

And who’s buying all these books?

Women of all ages.

Teenage girls, stay at home moms, college co-eds.

They’re all soaking their panties turning the pages of this book.

Walk through an airport and half the women you see will have a copy.

It’s crazy.

And this book is not a “romance novel.”

It’s filled with graphic descriptions of dirty, kinky bondage and domination sex. The press calls it “mommy porn.”

Look, you may know I don’t think much of the main character of the book, Christian Grey (turns out he’s weak and pathetic), but the fact is, women are going crazy about a book of kinky sex and domination.

What does this mean for you?

Women are desperate for a dominant man.

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These 5 Qualities Will Make Younger Women Desperately Crave You

I’m not gonna sugarcoat it…

Younger chicks with daddy issues all over the country are DESPERATELY seeking older men like a bad addiction.


There are probably multiple reasons…

Maybe it’s because divorce rates are at an all time high, and so is the rate of children being born in a single parent household.

Thus more and more younger women are growing up in broken homes, and are desperately seeking attention, validation, and pleasure from older men.

This is the first time something like this has happened in the lifetime of western civilization…and I see it everywhere…

Young women dating men 10, 15, and even 20 years older than them, because they desperately need an established older man in their lives.

Hell I get a few emails every day from older community members showing off their new 22 year old girlfriends.

But these young women aren’t just looking for any older man…

There are certain qualities that have been lacking in their lives, and they need those qualities to feel wanted, appreciated, and complete.

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Use Today: 3 Ways To Turn Her On *POWERFUL*

The 3 things PROVEN to attract women like crazy…

We’ll cover that in a sec. But first here’s a quick heads up:

So what are the 3 things PROVEN to attract women anytime, anywhere?

Write this down: To attract women on a CHEMICAL level…

You MUST do these 3 things:

1 – Frame YOURSELF as the prize in this interaction.

2 – Get HER chasing you.

3 – Give her the opportunity to WIN you over.

Miss any of those 3 traits, and she’ll lose interest over time!

X You’ll eventually find yourself in her friend-zone…
X She’ll stop responding to your texts over time…
X And getting her to meet-up with you again will be almost impossible!

Here’s the good news…

Do all 3 of those in your first conversation with her, and she’ll be helpless to resist!

She’ll text YOU first, trying to get your validation.

She’ll start obsessing about how to win you over. And most importantly…

You’ll STOP missing out with women just because you don’t know the PROVEN way to chemically attract her!

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Imagine having THIS super power

What if you could go out, anywhere, anytime, and take home beautiful babes on command?

What if you could instantly become the guy who women want to talk to, want to spend all night with… without changing your looks or personality?

What if you didn’t need money… …or fast cars…

…or even a good sense of humor (even though women TELL you it’s so important?)

What if you could literally pick the best-looking girl in the room, and within an hour, have her hand creeping up the inside of your leg, inching towards your hard on… while she asks YOU out on date?

Sounds like TOTAL HORSESHIYT doesn’t it? Like, totally impossible?

Right now, you have two choices.

You can keep believing this stuff is impossible and will never happen to a guy like you…

(even though there’s tons of guys who are uglier, poorer, dumber and less funny than you who are getting BJs every weekend from Instagram models…)

Or, you could, just for one night, suspend your disbelief… …try something you’ve NEVER tried before…

There’s a program that can help you. It changed my life. And I’ve seen hundreds of other guys talking about how it totally turned their lives around too.

It’s a system that teaches you a simple technique that can be used on that special girl you’ve wanted to sleep with for the longest time…

Or that random hottie who catches your eye when you’re walking down the street… or to take home that one girl everyone is hitting on at the bar, but can’t get.

I don’t care if you’re “UGLY” looking.

Or if you’re broke.

Or if you’re not the life and soul of a party.

None of that matters when you start using this method.

Because when you do… it’s like you’re able to take control of her mind… and her body…

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How to stand out to women

Being stuck in traffic sucks.

Being stuck in traffic for five hours because of snow sucks more.

Being stuck in traffic for five hours and forced to listen to the radio, sucks like hell.

And I could only get one crappy station, which happened to be hosting a show with women talking about dating. Just what I needed. To listen to some rug-munchers mouthing off about men.

I thought that would suck too. But listening to these women rattle on about guys hitting on them turned out to be a useful education.

Here’s the 101: When the average guy approaches a woman they break the ice with dull chatter that’s almost genetically identical to every line she’s ever heard.

The result? Zero interest and rejection. She’d rather lick shit from the floor than listen to it because it’s less likely to make her wanna puke.

But the guy who has taken a little time to learn how to talk to women so she’s instantly engaged and interested, really stands out.

Look. Up your game. Let other guys try to bore the pants off a chick and end up in rejection-city.

You’re just about to learn how to charm her knickers down by saying all the right things…

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Warning Signs

This is one of my favorite quotes (related to girls):

“Chicks are like hunters, they want to bag a lion or a bear.. something really hard to catch. And along comes you. You are like this affectionate little puppy.”

You’re cute, you’re nice, you have a lot in common with her… but you’re way too easy to catch. And that bores her.

And with chicks, boredom = death.”

The question you need to ask yourself is “how easy am I to catch?”

Remember, dogs don’t chase rocks sitting on the ground.

They chase rabbits that dart in and out of bushes.

So, how do you get a girl to chase you? Easy.

You use the RIGHT BAIT.

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Exactly What to Say to Get Conversation Going


“What do I say?”

This is probably the question I get the most from guys who want to be able to sleep with and date the hottest women in the world. (or even just girls next door for that matter)

And while the answer to that is not exactly SIMPLE… it’s a lot easier to figure out than you think.

While on the path of learning the secrets of talking to anybody creative people discovered an exercise that will literally change your life the day you start practicing it. 


It’s called “Free Association.”

You can try this with a buddy or by yourself…

How you begin is one of you says a word… “Grape” for example.

Than the other one says a related word… like “Wine…”







And so on…

Now before you say “Hey… I don’t have a buddy who will try this me, they’ll think I’m a total dork!”…

You can EASILY do this by yourself as well… and you actually SHOULD be practicing this on your own while you’re on your way to a date… to a bar… or just going about your day.

Let’s say you’re walking down the road and see a rock by the curb.

As you keep walking, you say to yourself ,“Rock…. hard… metal… music… singing…. mouth… tongue… lick… ice cream…”

It can be a little challenging to come up with words at first… but before you know it, it gets very easy –and fun- to freely associate from word to word…


Well, all conversation really is making an association with what the person said before…

So what you’ll find is that after doing this exercise, when you’re in a real conversation with a woman…

ALL KINDS of things come to your head for “what to say”…

Your brain’s synapses have been integrated so well from this exercise that you have an endless supply of things to talk about.

So while before, you were drawing a blank… getting nervous… and then having an even harder time keeping the conversation going… (that nasty vicious cycle)…

Now you have 5 different choices popping up in your head at any moment and you can just go with the best one… or the one that feels the most fun…

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Are YOU a Bad Boy?

What really defines a “bad boy”?

Tattoos? Wearing wifebeaters? Chewing tobacco? Riding a Harley? Having a prison record?

How about NONE of the above.

Those aren’t what I’d call bad boys. They’re more a$$holes, if you will.

So what is a bad boy? I define him by the following 3 characteristics:

1. He gets things done with minimal effort
2. He gets women to throw themselves at him
3. He gets women to reveal their dirty side
That, my friend, is a bad boy. An ALPHA male. And he is the man that all men really WISH they could be.

You see it’s not about being a prick. Or treating women like crap. Or trying to be a badass. It’s about having an aura that attracts women to you like a MAGNET.

Do you have to be born with this aura? Some believe so. But I don’t.

In fact, you can get it by doing things in this book:

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Do a few attraction triggers. And you know what will happen?


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