
6 Tricks To Touch Her (as SOON as you meet)

When you see an attractive woman across the room, sexual thoughts usually race through your mind.

You wonder what it would be like to touch her. To kiss her. To be inside of her. And to hear her moan.

Well before you can experience any of that you need to seduce her. And one of the best ways to slowly seduce is through touch.

Within the first SECONDS of talking to her, here are 7 ways you should initiate touch:

High fives
Hand shaking
Palm reading
Arm brushing
Touching her arm lightly to emphasize your points
Standing next to her with your arm touching hers

All of those help establish rapport and make her feel comfortable. They also appear harmless and don’t make you look like a perv who’s moving too fast.

Click here to learn more on how to Attract Hotter Women

Honoring the differences between men and women!

A lady reader sent this:


“Men and women do not honor their differences today.

That is the reason why are so many divorces and relationships between men and women today are so bad.

That is also why sex isn’t working in many bedrooms.

My husband and I have a friend who is marrying a controlling woman.

We have a hard time understanding this, but she is attractive to him because he is such a weak guy.

Now he can’t have friends anymore. He is home with her like in prison. He lost his freedom entirely.

I will tell him about your material when I see him.

Controlling women are searching for that nice guy they can play games with them, having a good life with a nice guy, but for sex and fun will be somebody else.”


Unfortunately, your friend is weak. He has fallen into the Nice Guy provider role.

He will get no respect. And no sex.

What’s worse, this controlling wife of his will end up having hot sex with a Bad Boy and will eventually leave him.

He will be devastated and wonder why she would leave him after he did everything she wanted.


Unfortunately most guys today have full-blown Nice Guy Syndrome.

It is paralyzing and stops a man from truly being who he is meant to be.

It must be cured.

Click here to learn more… Cure Nice Guy

“Respect is all you have left in the morning….”

It’s a head’s up match at 4am when KGB goes all-in…

McDermott: “That’s $4,400. I’m gonna call you. Or else, I won’t respect myself tomorrow morning.”

Teddy (KGB): “Respect is all you have left in the morning!”

This scene ends beautifully with KGB’s ego taking over and going all in…

McDermott (Matt Damon) wins this pivotal hand and pisses off KGB (John Malkovich)…

Settling his debt once and for all.

Sometimes your nuts are all you’ve got.

Especially when you can back ’em up.

And that’s the key.

Make sure you can back up your bets and that your bite is as bad, or worse, than your bark.

Rounders is a hell of a movie if you ask me.

Shows the art of preparation.



The need to go all in.

And an often misused character trait inspired by….

… a real life 1998 World Series of Poker hand won by Johnny Chan over an inexperienced Erik Seidel, where the perfect use of “controlled aggression” was masterfully witnessed.

What’s “controlled aggression” you ask?

The ability to stay calm under pressure, waiting for your perfect time to strike…

After your opponent has beat their chest so hard, they’ve lost all sense of reality of the REAL situation…

The kicker?

By using “controlled aggression”, you win the game even before your opponent realizes you’ve started playing.

Use it wisely young grasshopper.

“Controlled aggression”, combined with passing her tests the way it is taught it this book…

Game Over.

Here’s where to join us:

‘No More Shit Tests’

See you inside.

Tired Of Wasting Money And Not Getting Physical?

Dating can be frustrating as hell. After all, women aren’t the simplest creatures to figure out. And here’s where most guy’s make a mistake: They think MONEY is the key to figuring women out. And it’s NOT.

Think of how far men go just to impress women. They’ll buy a flashy car. Expensive clothes. A gym membership to build up their muscles. Gifts for the girl. Expensive dates. Some even offer to pay their bills!

What does this result in? You might get laid. But you’re more likely to get PLAYED.

Simply put, she will NOT respect you. Why? Because buying your way means you’re a pushover. That you don’t have enough confidence in who you are as a MAN to win her over. So you use MONEY to do it.

You don’t need to go bankrupt!

Find out how here


…to get it.

The attraction you’ll build will be so INTENSE, she’ll be willing to do ANYTHING to please you in and out of the bedroom. And you know what? You won’t have to buy her a damn thing either!

Save your money. Save your pride. AND give her pleasure in the process…

This material isn’t taught anywhere else.

It’s the best investment you can make in your dating life, period… end of story.

Bottom line: Go get your copy.

And I’ll talk to you again in a couple of days.


P.S. If you want more “come backs” to beat all of her tests, be sure to study the book:
Click here to learn more…
No More Shit Tests
Save your money. Save your pride. AND give her pleasure in the process…

The Number 1 Reason Why Men Fear Approaching Women

It’s quiz time. Chill out though. It’s just one question. Here we go: Why are most men scared to approach women?

It’s rather simple: They fear REJECTION.

I’m sure it’s happened to you. This AMAZING girl walks by you and you’re eyes become GLUED to her. She has it all. Perfect long hair. A gorgeous face. A rack that stops traffic. And a behind that says “look at me” with each step she takes.

But you didn’t go up to her. All you could do was stare. In the seconds that you saw her, you already imagined what she’d be like in bed. Hell, you may have even sprung wood right there.

And she kept walking. Off into the distance. Never to appear again. But she did appear somewhere. In your mind. Even when you went to sleep that night, you thought of her again. Damn. Another night alone, filled with regret.

Look man. You should’ve gone up to her. Who knows? You could be dating her now. But that fear of REJECTION took over. Don’t worry though. Those days are FINISHED.

Go HERE to put an end to your fear. See how just a few moves can turn rejection into SUCCESS with ANY woman. Even that girl who passed you on the street:

Attract Hotter Women

The major value of goals…

Let’s answer a question from one of the readers in today’s newsletter.

** Question From a Reader **

“…I’m very frustrated that I’m not making progress and reaching my goal of being a great seducer. It seems so far away and all the stories I hear about other guys having success just depresses me more and convinces me that I’m farther away than ever.

I can’t think of anything else. I thought obsessing over it would bring it to me.

What’s going on?”

– Jason

>> My Answer:

First of all, if your goal is to be a “seducer”, you’ve signed up for the wrong newsletter my man.

The only person you’ll be seducing is yourself.

Having said that, I’ll continue with some general advice on goals because…

From what you’ve sent me, that will help you the most.

I like goals and we all have them,

They are a good thing.

However, being obsessed with them over everything else in your life,


Having the wrong goals for the wrong reasons…

Won’t make you any happier once you reach them.

In fact, once you reach them you might be miserable.

And, you’re missing the entire point.

Agonizing about not reaching goals and forgetting what you have learned on the journey is…

A major waste!

The major value of reaching a goal is not to acquire it,

But it’s the person you become WHILE you are working to acquire it.

If you reach a goal, but don’t like who you’ve become, there’s no point… is there?

There’s a famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow, who created “The hierarchy of human needs”…

And do you know what he put on the top?


That’s a fancy way of saying, who you become while you’re working to fill the other needs.

And according to him, that’s THE most important thing.

When you realize that the game is not just about the goal…

But who you become during the journey,

Then some your goals may change.

Running the race and running well, that is the real prize.

Winning is not so important.

It’s how you play the game, not whether you win or lose.

Liking who you become is also what you are playing toward.

You want to become a better version of yourself.

Consider the goal of being a great “seducer” and tricking girls into sleeping with you.

When you get there and accomplish that, are you going to like who you have become?


Are you seeing it now?

Consider the goal of giving good energy, being inspiring and the type of guy who women are naturally attracted to…

A guy who practices effortless effort and walks around as if he doesn’t have a care in the world…

And when you get there and you accomplish that, are you going to like who you’ve become?

Of course you will. 🙂

So… when you set your goals, one of the most important questions you will need to start asking is,

“When I get there and accomplish that, am I going to like who I’ve become?”

Remember… who you become is more important than what you win.

Some people have their self-awareness dial set to, “numb”.

The reason is because they have pursued goals that weren’t worthwhile…

And even though they’ve been successful,

It’s turned them into someone who even “they” don’t want to know!

So change your goals,

Change your reasons,

Change your life.

Hope this helps.

Ok, so you might be reading this right now, and you’re probably wondering…

“What’s The Best Way For Me to REALLY Learn This Stuff?”

Hey, I’m glad you asked.

Success with women really comes down to learning a new way to think about women, then combining it with the actual techniques that cause women to feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION.

If you’re ready for SUPER success with women, then I highly recommend that you go download online ebook “Attract Hotter Women.“

It’s JAM PACKED with ideas that you can learn and use starting TONIGHT. You can go download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes.

Download it here:


…to get it.

This material isn’t taught anywhere else.

It’s the best investment you can make in your dating life, period… end of story.

Bottom line: Go get your copy.

And I’ll talk to you again in a couple of days.


P.S. If you want more “come backs” to beat all of her tests, be sure to study the book:
Click here to learn more…
No More Shit Tests

Fitting a square peg in a round hole!

One of the significant flaws in a Nice Guy’s mental make-up is codependence. They feel they need a woman to love them to feel complete and happy.

It’s in all the great love songs on the radio. It permeates everything.

The irony here is that it’s ultimately disempowering. That NEED makes a Nice Guy act in a way that is a total turnoff to a woman. It gets him the exact opposite result of what he wants.

Often it has guys trying to “fix” situations that aren’t worth fixing.

The one I’m about to share with you came from a reader, Barry, who is in his eighties.

I want you to read his question and before you read my response, think about what advice YOU would give him.

Here’s Barry:

I’m attempting to romance an 80-year-old woman who is entirely ill-suited to the notion of becoming a pleasing lover.

However, we are great friends and truly love one another.

She regards our intimacy as a burden she bears willingly because she loves me.

I have read Ian Kerner’s, “She Comes First” and done everything he suggests.

She doesn’t find oral sex any more pleasing than intercourse.

I’ve also read “Passionate Marriage” and “Love Sex Again.” Nothing has helped.

Do you have any suggestions beyond the obvious, that I should move on to someone else?”

My thoughts for Barry:

First off, good for you having and desiring regular sex at 80 plus years of age! You’re already a champion in my book.

Now on to your questions –

Why would you keep trying to please a woman who clearly has no interest in having sex with you?

Enjoy your friendship, appreciate her, but move on to someone else romantically.

You are trying too hard to fit a square peg into a round hole, and that’s precisely what Nice Guys do because they live in lack and think they’ll never have sex again.

And forget the oral sex book of the week on Amazon; you need “Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.”

And it’s about a lot more than orgasms. It about how to talk dirty, how to set the tone, and take the lead to create a wildly sexual relationship. It gives you all the components you need to build it right from the beginning, so you never end up with a woman who loves you but bears the burden of intimacy – I mean what the hell is that?

When you get to the main program, you’ll never have to wonder how to proceed again.

The 5 Secrets of State (feeling your MOJO)!

How to Control Your “State of Mind” Around Women…
No, this isn’t an email about the CIA…

Today I’m going to talk to you briefly about one of the most important factors in determining your success with women on ANY particular night.

I’m talking about your “state of mind.”

State as it’s often called refers to your overall feeling of happiness.

Are you in a fun, positive, indifferent, social mood?

Or are you in a judgmental, timid, shy, mood?

If you’ve ever had a really “on” night, you were “in state.”

State is characterized by the following:

Indifference to others opinions. Increased social freedom. Loss of Time Sense. Relaxed Body Language and more…

Sounds pretty good right?

So how can we maintain develop and maintain a positive emotional state?

1. Get daily exercise.

Nothing helps your state more than getting daily exercise.

The release of endorphins alone can BOOST your state as well as lower your blood pressure and anxiety. You don’t have to hit the weights like a Guido getting ready for Winter Music Festival but 15-30 minutes of moderate exercise daily is a must.

2. Warm up socially.

When it comes to state, you don’t need to go from shy and down to Mr Outgoing right away.

Instead you want to merely get over the “indifference threshold.” You simply want to not care what people’s reactions to you are. I like to warm up by complimenting three different people. I like to compliment guys and girls and then just walk away.

3. Attract social feedback.

This is what I like to call priming the PUMP.

In game you are going to become the focal point of SOCIAL FEEDBACK. By that I mean we will have people reacting to us socially.

Sometimes positively, sometimes negatively but you will be exposed to social feedback. So you want to get exposed as early as possible.

I like to sing or dance around or make up elaborate games to play with friends. As long as people are looking at you it’s a good thing. You just may not want to do this in the venue you’ll be approaching in 🙂

4. Always look your best.

This one is a no brainer, but guys really screw up here. Make sure that every time you leave the house you are ready to approach. You don’t want to give yourself an extra excuse like “I don’t have gel in my hair.” Or “I’m wearing shorts.”

5. Surrender to the moment.

Don’t try to force yourself in state ever. That’s a huge mistake. Whenever you’re feeling shy, or uncomfortable ACCEPT those feelings.

Always remember that feelings are fleeting and just because you feel down at 10:01 doesn’t mean you’ll still be there at 10:10.

We’ll talk more about getting into state in future but try out these 3 tactics tonight and let me know how they worked for you.

P.S. One of the easiest ways you can have a permanently high level of state is by not putting so much pressure on yourself.

Understanding how female sexuality works, and building confidence in your ability to seduce them is the single best way to turn that pressure off.

These are some of the best techniques for learning how… Click here to learn more

5 Ways To Approach Women With Confidence

Here are 5 ways to approach a woman with confidence, in specific situations you see all the time:

1) At a bar or party

What to say first: I can tell just by looking at you that you’re gonna be trouble…

What to say next: Seriously though, you’re too cute. How dare you! You’re ruining my guy’s night out.

Mistakes to avoid: Not coming in with enough energy, not speaking loud enough to be heard, taking rejection personally.

2) At a coffee shop

What to say first: Ok listen, I’m sitting here trying to get my work done and you keep distracting me… would you please stop being so cute.

What to say next: How’s that book by the way, any good?

Mistakes to avoid: acting too stiff and boring, being too quiet because you’re worried about other people listening.

3. At the gym

What to say first: Hey, I see you here almost every day, I don’t think we’ve met yet, I’m ___.

What to say next: By the way, you look great today… have you been, like… working out or something? 😉

Mistakes to avoid: interrupting her workout, taking up too much time so she cuts you off to get back to her workout, never making a move to get her number and text her later.

4. At the grocery store

What to say first: Hey, do you know how to cook this?

What to say next: Wow you have a lot of great stuff in your cart, all I have is ramen and hot sauce… you gonna invite me over for dinner or what? Haha, I’m ___ by the way.

Mistakes to avoid: Running out of things to say, not asking for her number, not talking long enough for her to feel comfortable.

5) When she’s looking at you…

What to say first: So… I noticed you checking me out and I was worried that if I didn’t come over here, you might follow me home later. Hi, I’m ___.

What to say next: So what do you do for fun in this crazy city? When you’re not daydreaming about me of course…

Mistakes to avoid: feeling shitty and giving up if you get a negative reaction… forgetting to feel awesome that you had the balls to approach when no other guy would have.

Nervous about approaching her?

You just gotta grab yourself by the balls and say “fvck it,” man. Embrace the fear and do it anyways.

And don’t worry… “approach anxiety” isn’t even your fault.

It’s a “fight or flight” response that’s been programmed into your body for thousands of years.

But you’re not gonna let it control you, of course. You and I both know… fear is no big deal. You’re a freakin BADASS.

You laugh at fear. You embrace it. And then you go for it anyways.

And while every other guy ends up going home alone, torturing himself with a million “what ifs?”…

You remember your training and you walk up to that girl like a boss.

Knowing in your bones that she’s been waiting for a guy like you all night.

Just remember – you will always regret the shots you DON’T take… but never the ones you do.

Make it happen, partner.

What Single Women Hate Most About Single Guys

Romantic relationships are very different from friend relationships. While most men would sleep with most of their female friends if the woman came on to them, most women would NOT sleep with most men that they consider “just friends.”

The thing that tells a woman whether the guy she’s with is friend material or lover material is how she feels. It’s a combination of emotional feelings and physical feelings.

It is NOT logic.

If there’s one thing that triggers an attractive single woman’s wuss-dar, it’s a man’s posture, gestures, eye contact, voice tone, etc. It all happens in an INSTANT.

Women read this stuff and interpret it as instantly and accurately as you read and interpret the cover of Playboy. NO ANALYSIS NECESSARY.

I’d say that probably 90% of all men alive today instantly disqualify themselves with women because of this problem. Their voice tone, gestures, posture, etc. telegraph the message that they’re a wuss. They do a thousand weird little things to let a woman know that they’re uncomfortable and not being themselves.

And you guessed it… Single women hate it!

That’s why you MUST learn how to instantly communicate to a woman that you are Not a wuss. That you are a confident, authentic and interesting man. That you are a “catch” and not at all like the other men out there who are trying to give her all their power, and seek her approval, and “win” her over.

She might use logic to rationalize her decision… or she might use logic to sound like she has a good reason for either being with or not being with a particular guy.

A Woman’s “Logic” has NOTHING To Do With ATTRACTION
Let me say this another way….

A woman feels something emotionally and/or physically, then she uses those feelings as the basis for her decisions and actions with a particular guy. If she feels that “Ewwww Yuck!” feeling, then her logical conclusion will NEVER be that she wants to date the guy in question.

If you want to make sure that you NEVER give a woman that “Ewwww Yuck!” feeling again, there are a few simple changes you can make in how you think and behave to always come across as a “real man” that will take care of it.

I go in-depth about that right here. If you’re interested. I suggest you have a look:

On Being A Man

But for now, here’s all you need to know: if a woman feels that “It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here” feeling, then her logical conclusion will be that this guy is interesting and attractive, and a good choice to date, and she’ll take action on those thoughts.

How do most guys behave around a woman that they’re romantically interested in?
What do they then do to get that woman to be with them?
Take a few minutes to think about this. Make a list if you have paper and pen handy.

Now take a look at your list. I’ll bet that almost every single thing on your list was something external. In other words, your list probably contains things like “Take her to dinner” and “Give her compliments” and “Buy her flowers” and “Call her often.”

These are all things that demonstrate that he’s interested. They are not the things that trigger those emotional and physical feelings inside of a woman that tell her that THIS IS THE GUY.

In other words, men try to use props to let a woman know he’s interested… hoping that when the woman sees these displays she’ll be interested in him. But almost none of the things men do to court women make women feel anything even remotely similar to Attraction and Desire.

Of course, you know this. You’ve probably done this stuff about a bazillion times. I have, too. I know what it’s like to try over and over to let a particular woman know that I’m interested… only to have her not respond in a romantic way.

Act This Way, And You’re Making 2 HUGE Mistakes At Once!
First of all, it’s just the plain-old wrong way to go. Telling or showing a woman that you like her has no effect on how she feels about you. In the moment it sure seems to make sense… “If I show her how I feel, she’ll return the feelings.”

Duh. Like I said, it seems like the right thing to do in the moment (when your inner little girl has a big fat crush). But it’s not… it will have no effect on her feelings for you.

And second, it communicates clearly that YOU DON’T GET IT. It tips a woman off INSTANTLY that you’re not hip to what’s going… and it kills your chances with her.

Look, if you’ve been dating a woman exclusively for six months, and her birthday comes… it’s OK to buy her a gift and tell her that you like spending time with her.


But if you’ve known a woman for six DAYS and you try this kind of thing, you’re going to shoot yourself in the foot because….

Women Are Experts At Recognizing Men Who “Don’t Get It”
If YOU don’t get it – plus you’re trying to compensate for that fact with gifts and compliments – then you’re really screwed (or not screwed, as the case may be).

So remember what I’m about to tell you. Burn it into your mind. Write it on a sticky-note and put it on your computer monitor…

Single, attractive women watch men try to win them over all day long.

They know when a guy doesn’t “get it,” and they’re annoyed when a guy who doesn’t get it just keeps trying and trying. Single, attractive women watch guys do this stuff 24/7. They shake their pretty heads and say “He doesn’t get it… He doesn’t get it… He doesn’t get it” over and over.

The point is, if you don’t get it either, then nothing you do is going to work for you. The problem is bigger than you can imagine, and you’re going to need to take a totally different road to get where you’re going.

But okay, time to get specific. Let’s return to where we started…

What Attractive Women Hate Most About Single Guys
There are a few particular things that really annoy single, attractive women.

A woman can like everything about you, but if you do these things (or even just one of these things), it can destroy your chances of success with that particular woman.

Here are a few of the big things that single women REALLY hate:

#1- Giving Up Your Status In Exchange For Her Attention And Approval
If I had to describe the one single thing that both annoys women and destroys a guy’s chances, it would be this. It has taken me a long time to see this particular pattern, but it’s everywhere.

Men, in effect, say “Hi, I want your approval and attention. I’m willing to let YOU be the one who’s in control… and let YOU call the shots… and do anything to please YOU… if you’ll give me your attention and approval.”

But the problem is that women don’t want you to give up your status and “manliness.” Women aren’t attracted to men who act weak and tentative. Women secretly HATE IT when a guy does something to demonstrate that he’ll give away his power in return for approval. THEY HATE IT!

Click to learn more…

In the meantime, on to the second thing women hate most about single guys:

#2- Being Needy, Clingy, And Insecure
When one person clings to another person psychologically, the person who is being clinged to resents and REJECTS the needy, clingy emotional parasite…This is WUSS behavior at its worst.

If a guy is on the phone with a girl he just met, and she says “Hey, I have to go,” he might say “Aw, well… um… OK. Um, will you call me when you get home?”

Or let’s say a guy and a girl are out on their first date, and they’re walking around in a large department store. Most guys will follow the woman everywhere, and not leave her side for a minute. If she wanders away, he’ll come find her immediately.

He’ll stay physically close to her, as if he’s afraid she’ll leave without him.

And an even worse example is a guy who is so emotionally insecure that he actually asks a woman to tell him that he’s nice, fun, interesting, etc.

Women HATE this stuff. It makes them shiver with the heebie-jeebies. It makes them want to RUN AWAY.

Click to learn more…

#3- Not Leading (Or Even Worse… Trying To Get HER To Lead)
Guess what… all women have WUSS-DAR. And one of the things that triggers a woman’s wuss-dar is a man who “follows.”

The real problem is that most women won’t try to lead naturally. So you’ve got a situation where a man is trying to follow a woman who isn’t leading. He’s looking for little cues so he knows where to go and what to do… but he isn’t getting them.

So what does he do? He asks for them! He says “So, I was thinking of maybe taking you to Olive Garden for dinner… how does that sound?”

Everything about the way he asks says to the woman “I’m trying to figure out what you want me to do… please help me know how you want me to act, where you want me to take you, and what you want me to say.”

This is ATTRACTION DEATH! Men who don’t lead, and even worse, try to get a woman to lead, annoy the living daylights out of single women. They HATE IT.

#4- Using Insecure, Approval-Seeking Voice Tone And Body Language
There’s a term that single, attractive, in-demand women use to describe men who use weak, approval-seeking posture, gestures, comments, and mannerisms…

The term is “NICE.” As in, “He’s nice… but… there’s no chemistry.”

This is one of those areas that’s not easy to talk about. Since so many guys do this stuff, it’s almost impossible to explain. It’s like trying to tell a fish that they’re not going to get anywhere in life if they stay wet. The fish doesn’t even KNOW it’s wet in the first place.

But let me try. This is important.

Go spend a day observing couples. Go places where couples that have just met spend time together. Bars, clubs, coffee shops, whatever. Now watch the guys.

Watch how they lean towards the women. Watch how they raise their eyebrows in exaggerated response to women’s comments. Watch how they slump over, let their shoulders fall forward, and smile fake-ly at whatever the women say.

If you’re close enough, listen to how men ask questions and make comments with a voice tone that says “I’m insecure and I’m trying to be extra nice to compensate for it.”

You’ll see it EVERYWHERE. In fact, you’ll see it so much that you’ll probably write me back to tell me that I’m the one who’s crazy, and that since it happens so much, it must be “the right way.”

Well, it’s not. If there’s one thing that triggers an attractive single woman’s wuss-dar, it’s a man’s posture, gestures, eye contact, voice tone, etc. It all happens in an INSTANT.

Women read this stuff and interpret it as instantly and accurately as you read and interpret the cover of Playboy. NO ANALYSIS NECESSARY.

I’d say that probably 90% of all men alive today instantly disqualify themselves with women because of this problem. Their voice tone, gestures, posture, etc. telegraph the message that they’re a wuss. They do a thousand weird little things to let a woman know that they’re uncomfortable and not being themselves.

And you guessed it… Single women hate it!

That’s why you MUST learn how to instantly communicate to a woman that you are Not a wuss. That you are a confident, authentic and interesting man. That you are a “catch” and not at all like the other men out there who are trying to give her all their power, and seek her approval, and “win” her over.

The best place to learn that is in world-famous Body Language program…

In it, I teach you all the subtle but INCREDIBLY POWERFUL techniques and postures you need to use to quickly demonstrate you are not like the men she’s complaining to her girlfriends about.

Body Language

Onward to…

#5- Not Understanding That She’s A Woman And You’re A Man
I’m about to get philosophical on your butt, so be cool…

When it comes down to it, most men don’t understand women. But the REAL kicker is that most men don’t understand MEN either in that they don’t know what it’s like to get in touch with their male nature.

Women are coy. They like to play hard to get. They like to enjoy the chase. They love anticipation. They love to “let a guy catch them”…

Men are competitive. Men are dominant. Men like to play rough games, win things, and rule their territory.

Well guess what? Combine these two issues, and you get a guy who behaves in ways that do not trigger ATTRACTION in women.

Most men don’t behave like men when they’re in the presence of a woman that they like. And since most men don’t understand female human nature, they don’t demonstrate that they “get it” when they’re with women that they like.

Women like men. Men like women. There are POWERFUL causes at play here. When you’re around a woman you like, don’t act like a girly-man. It’s not attractive… not one bit.

And single women HATE IT!

#6- Not Being Interesting To Be Around
Underneath most behavior that I see most guys acting out is a core belief that goes like this:

“I don’t believe that an attractive woman would want to be around me just because she enjoys my presence… so I make up for it by saying and doing certain things that I hope she’ll enjoy… and if she enjoys those other things enough, then maybe she’ll want to spend more time with me.”

Heavy, man.

Well guess what? Most attractive single women know that if a guy isn’t interesting to be around, she’s eventually going to go CRAZY being around him. In other words, no amount of material gifts, compliments, dinners, and other displays will ever compensate for a lack of BEING INTERESTING.

Here’s a profound thought: I and several other guys I know have many women who call us often… just because they enjoy being around us.These women would be happy just to be in the same room with us… and enjoy our company. And yes, these women CALL US. Often.

Material gifts, food, flowers, and other displays have ZERO lasting value to a woman when it comes to how she FEELS about you.

An attractive single woman wants a guy who lights her up. She wants to feel good. She wants mystery… she wants to laugh… she wants a challenge… she wants sexual tension. If you’re using compliments, gifts, food, and other displays to get a woman’s attention… you need to ask yourself a tough question: Is it because you don’t believe that a woman would want to be around you just to be around you?

Because if you don’t know how to be interesting to a woman, then no amount of compensation is going to fix the problem. If you’re boring, predictable, and uninteresting, then you’re never going to have women calling YOU to hang out.

Oh, and women HATE IT.

#7- Not Understanding Attraction
This is a BIGGIE. You hear me talking about it all the time, right?

Maybe now that you’ve read this newsletter you’ll have a better context to understand what I’m about to tell you… If you “get it” with women, it’s super interesting and attractive to them. Women can INSTANTLY FEEL IT when they’re with a guy who “gets it.”

Women know very quickly if they’re talking to a guy who understands himself and women… and who enjoys creating and building sexual tension. Women know if a guy speaks the secret language of “attraction.”

If he doesn’t, then she stops all communication on that level. If he does, then it continues.

Attraction Isn’t A Choice
Attraction is an emotional and physical response…and you can’t “convince” a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.

Attraction is the result of a woman meeting a man who understands how attraction works… and who knows what to do in each specific situation to progress to the next level.

The problem with attraction, and with success with women in general is that the things you need to do to be successful are NOT OBVIOUS. They’re counter intuitive, in many cases. In other words, they’re the OPPOSITE of what you’d THINK would make sense.

You have to do things like create tension… stop doing something that she likes… give her time to miss you… etc. And if you don’t understand attraction, a woman is going to KNOW IT.

This is SO important, I wrote an entire book about it. Go read it tonight to get this right…

You’ll spend less than you would at the movie theater and what you’ll learn will be priceless. Download it now risk free and go read it.

Attraction Isn’t A Choice

And guess what? Single women HATE IT when a man doesn’t understand attraction and how to communicate on this “other level.”

Now that I’ve shared the mistakes, you need the next piece of the puzzle. You need to get an education on how attraction works for women… and the RIGHT things to do up front to give her those emotional/physical feelings inside.

Commit To Taking Your Education To A New, Life-Changing Level
What’s the best way to do that? Glad you asked…

The Advanced Dating Techniques program represents THOUSANDS of hours of research, testing, getting to know guys who were successful with women, and generally organizing every level of this knowledge into an easy-to-understand system that ANY guy can use to increase his success with women and dating.

And I’ll tell you something… It works. This program is the most advanced and effective program of it’s kind available anywhere at any price.

Advanced Dating Techniques

I’ll talk to you again soon.